Oregon State Capitol – CAMS Renovation
The Capitol Accessibility, Maintenance and Safety project was approved by the 2016 Legislative Assembly to address Americans with Disabilities Act deficiencies; at-risk mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems; and security and life-safety issues in the Oregon State Capitol building. Total funding for the project is $59.9 million. As a team member we created a new central utility vault that includes 600 tons of cooling, 12 Million BTU’s of steam and 5 million BTU’s of Heating water to serve the capitol efficiently. The fully occupied phasing and complexity of this project is unparalleled. As a member of the projects Core Team we participate collaboratively in each weeks OAC to quickly resolve the complex and political challenges the project, building & occupants present weekly. This is a groundbreaking process that the Hoffman team created and implemented due to the intricacies of the project.